What's so bad about social services?
I'm one of those people drawing government aid in a time of need. When the secret slips in a casual conversation, I find myself to be the dirty pox leaching off of one's political skin. I can understand that perhaps there are some out there abusing various systems that might give the majority that are deserving a bad name. I can even understand a bit of the secret annoyance of those paying in to the system as most aren't thrilled with the idea of money they might not ever see. Sometimes I feel the need to confess my dirty little secret in a conservative conversation in a futile attempt to prove that their money is in fact helping real people instead of being some greater part of a liberal conspiracy or minority theft.
In my case, I received health care benefits during my pregnancy that now provide for my child the greatest chance of a healthy start. I also receive funded child care allowing me to work and thus to pay back in to the system as a fiscally functioning member of society. Another low income friend of mine received grants for school that aided her in obtaining her recent graduate degrees (again, ensuring her financial return to society). The only person I know that receives aid without the possibility of eventual fiscal contribution was born too severely crippled to ever work, and I somehow don't feel so guilty about my tax dollars going to help him.
I was researching what makes others see people like me as a political injury this morning. I came across
this fabulous website that the "liberal" might find interesting. Here's one lovely idea:
"I am not going to make the leap and say that Democrats are Socialists, they are not. But the laws they try to pass occasionally are. When the government is asked to provide and manage socialized retirement funds, medical services, automobile insurance, and other basic services it is usually a Democratic sponsored bill. These are socialist party laws enacted in a capitalist nation. They have never worked, even in socialist nations (such as the former Union of Solviet Socialist Republics (USSR). It bankrupted their government so you will see me get a little biased on this subject."
What about Canada?
Here's another fun quote:
"Democrats have a tendency to support bringing all people to one class, bring the rich down and elevate the poor; mostly because it gains votes. Telling the poor that they should blame the rich for their lot in life (making the successful look evil) works quite effectively. There can never be only one class of people. There will always be, and in most countries are, at least two classes; the haves and the have nots. In the US we have the lower, the middle, and the upper class. You can’t make everyone middle class, it just isn’t possible.This is why Republicans tend to be middle and upper middle class and successful (rich) families while Democrats are often lower middle class down to poverty levels."
This made me think of that funny notion someone once had that whites and blacks could ever live together.
My handicapped friend isn't blaming "successful" families for his place in life, My friend "the graduate" isn't attending Socialist parties, and I'm not going to grace the "haves" with the thought that I'd ever blame them for conceiving the greatest little event of my life.
So what's so bad about helping others?