Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Fear Factor

I find graphs and charts interesting. I'm the type of person who can stare at graphic representations of trends (and maps, and spreadsheets, and sidewalks, and other typically dull things) all day. My mind wanders. I think of what the reasons were for the trends, what my state of mind was at the time of the data. This page has some neat-o graphs that show the "National Barometer" over the last 12 months. Why do you think there was a sudden spike in Bush's approval rating in November, and then it sunk right back down again? I like to say that people who voted for Bush did it for one of two reasons: greed or ignorance. Fear is usually bred from ignorance and this country is scared shitless.


Blogger mochi said...

I guess it also indicates they ran a perfect campaign.

7:12 AM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Having not voted for Bush, I felt I do need to offer a third that you didn't mention. Fear, ignorance, or...

no alternative.

Unless the Dems can float a credible candidate expect to see the GOP in control for a long time.

This is reality, Smorg.

ps. Its pretty mean-spirited to stereotype millions of people as ignorant or fearful--this is Michael Moore's domain.


8:12 AM  
Blogger Smorgasbord said...

Not ignorant or fearful. The ignorant are the fearful. My entire family voted for Bush and although I love every one of those people, they did it because they don't want to pay taxes. Period. I know it's mean, but I don't care anymore. This guy's administration is responsible for so many awful things I just can't forgive the people who voted for him. Not even my brother, whom I've idolized since I was old enough to speak.

8:52 AM  
Blogger SheaNC said...

I agree with Smorgasnord on that. I spent 2003-2004 among a sizeable crowd of family and friends who all supported Bush and voted for him. The reason (as stated by them) was 1) they do not want to pay taxes; 2) they hate immigrants and feel that Bush will stop non-caucasians from entering the country; and 3) they like the fact that Bush is willing to "kick their asses". To sum up: greed, fear, and violence. That is exactly why they supported Bush, no ifs, ands or buts, take it or leave it, regardless of whether the truth hurts or not, it is the truth.

9:37 AM  
Blogger SheaNC said...

Sorry I misspelled "smorgasbord"

9:37 AM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Kind of a narrow viewpoint, Guys...basing your whole argument on a few people that you know who are close to you.

Shea, the people you describe (don't like non-caucasians) are not ignorant, they are racially prejudiced. I ran across more racial prejudice in the halls of learned academia among learned individuals than I ever did in public.

Those that do not want to pay excessive taxes are not necessarily greedy. Having worked for the government I have a first hand view of the astronomical waste that's out there, also the amount of needless self-serving programs that sap a society's thrift and self-sufficiency. If you like paying excessive taxes, then you don't mind flushing your earnings down a bottomless and ineffective drain. Give me one example of an efficient well-run, cost effective social welfare program. (and please don't cite social security, because that's who i worked for :)

C'mon, you guys are bigger than this!

Smorg, in relation to your brother--thats pretty cold. Forgiveness is what I often hear the left preach about. Never let your ideology supercede your judgement.



1:23 PM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Oh! Also, I started this a while back just for all of you guys who think that we don't pay enough taxes:

5:13 PM  
Blogger Smorgasbord said...

I certainly hate paying taxes just like anyone else. It infuriates me how much money government wastes. I think it would be great if they slashed taxes and cut things where it counts. The problem with the Bush administration is they cut taxes and INCREASED SPENDING! Even my three year old niece will tell you that's a stupid way to do things. In economics you can't have it both ways. My family always votes Republican because Republicans always cut taxes, regardless of whether or not it makes sense. I have voted Republican in my lifetime and I may again (not anytime soon though). That's the difference between the people who have thoughtful discussions on the matter like us, and people like my family and the MANY MANY other people I've met who vote Republican because of their wallet: we are not moved by greed.

PS. I won’t forgive my family specifically for voting for Bush. I forgave them for many other things and I know they have forgiven me too. We are a big loving happy family (as much as we can be). We will simply never see eye to eye politically.

7:11 PM  
Blogger Smorgasbord said...

PPS: I used to be a registered Libertarian. Talk about not wanting to be taxed! I still love the idea of small government too - another "conservative" ideal Bush has urinated all over.

7:14 PM  
Blogger SheaNC said...

Jack, I think you're reading different things into my statement than I put into it. I didn't call those people ignorant, although I believe they are and if you knew them you might agree. And, I believe racial predjudice is often based on ignorance, it doesn't always have to be, but it often is. Also, I am not saying they don't want to be "overtaxed" - I am saying they don't want to pay any taxes. And, finally, this statement isn't a "narrow viewpoint" in this case because I was reporting my true-life experience, and confining it to a finite group - I can see why you would say that, but I have to say that as far as those particular people that I observed are concerned, my description was, unfortunately, accurate.

10:00 PM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

I see what you're saying, Shea. I figured as much, but just wanted to be sure.

I think that if one begins to look at the reality of our current government, we have one big socialist machine that is interested in being everything to everybody so that they can retain power. I seriously doubt that many in Washington give a rats rear end about us, they are just two parties struggling for power over a badly torn piece of meat.

Have a great weekend, Shea and Smorg!



10:41 PM  

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