Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Bush's Leviathan

This is not mine, it was written by a friend who was inspired by reading Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan. I find it interesting...

At a Republican Debate in Iowa on December 13, 1999, George W. Bush was asked, "Who is your favorite Political Philosopher?" He answered "Christ." While no surprise to Bush-haters, it turns out he lied. For purposes of this contention we will ignore the innumerable religious scholars, clergymen and lay people who have challenged this assertion. And, we will ignore the fact that Jesus was far from a political philosopher – his Kingdom was centered in neither in Crawford nor Washington, but in the hereafter. I am not going to look at whom Bush does not follow, but instead whom he, in fact, does.

To answer such questions we need to find a philosopher who would find the President's actions acceptable. Why would the Bush Administration attempt to destroy the careers and lives of people who have challenged their policies? Why would the Bush Administration refuse to testify in front of the 9/11 Commission? Why would the Bush Administration feel it did not have to answer questions that challenged the validity of the Iraq War? And, finally why would the Bush Administration spend Billions of Dollars fighting terrorism in Iraq when the perpetrators of 9/11 are in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia? Unfortunately for the American People, careful review of these policies and actions show us that they are not some ragtag extemporaneous reactions to the issues of the day. Such a thing would be understandable if not forgivable.

These issues and actions seem perfectly clear if we remember our Hobbes. Thomas Hobbes had lived through the destruct and the destitution of the English Civil Wars (1642-1651). His Leviathan was a powerful state with unlimited power – the kind that might be able to halt a rebellion. Separations of Powers and questioning of the sovereign were absent and unthinkable. The sovereign, whether elected or monarchial, was all-powerful and unquestionable. His powers were absolute. The sovereign was neither questioned nor challenged since he had the health of the commonwealth in mind. If Hobbes were alive today he would see the President and his administration as the ultimate sovereign of the American Commonwealth – while congress would be a minor annoyance to merely placate the masses.

The Administration has shown the ability to strike back against those who merely use their Right of Free Speech. They put pressure on ABC to fire Bill Maher. (And Rumsfeld may have threatened his life.) Members of the Administration leaked the name of a CIA operative, Valerie Plame, immediately after her husband, Joseph Wilson, exposed the Niger-uranium connection as a fraud. How could a democratically elected officer believe he had such powers that were so obvious contrary to the Constitution? Hobbes states in Chapter 18, "Because the major part hath by consenting voices declared a sovereign, he that dissented must now consent with the rest; that is, be contented to avow all the actions he shall do." Whether a major part did consent is still a question, yet, it is obvious "48 percent of the people voted for us and the Supreme Court confirmed it, so shut-up."

The Administration has a propensity for secrecy. The people do not get to see the transparency they would want. Nor, do they see the translucency found in other administrations. The Administration was the single biggest obstacle to the 9/11 Commission, refusing to tell what it knew of the attacks. The Administration made no bones about the fact that it could make an Energy Policy that would effect us until 2025, without telling anybody how it was determined in closed door meetings, with the shades pulled. All of this seems alien to those of us raised in a democracy with open decision-making, until you consider Hobbes again. In Chapter 17 he writes, "He that carryeth this person is called sovereign, and said to have sovereign power; and every one besides, his subject." It is as if the Bush and his staff say, "We make the decisions here and you don't have to know how or why."

How could the Administration think it could get away with inventing and lying about Iraq for the purposes of going to war? The Administration has continually challenged those who argued then or now that the war is wrong. These people have been called the lovers of Saddam or "revisionist historians." In what has been seen as hubris in the Administration, it has refused to open to public debate issues surrounding war and peace. People outside the administration have seen this as undemocratic and totally illogical. Yet if we look at Hobbes again it is completely logical. In Chapter 18 of Leviathan he says, it "is annexed to the sovereignty the right of making war and peace with other nations and Commonwealths; that is to say, of judging when it is for the public good, and how great forces are to be assembled, armed, and paid for that end, and to levy money upon the subjects to defray the expenses thereof."

Why have we spent billions of dollars and thousands of lives, American and Iraqi, fighting terrorism in Iraq while those who committed the heinous actions of 9/11 are still in Afghanistan? We have been bombarded with orange alerts, unspecified "specific information," and instructions to purchase duct tape. Yet, we do not seem to be any closer to catching Osama bin Laden. We are told that we are safer, yet we still have to be afraid. The Administration appears to be playing both sides of the fence on this issue.

At first it seems odd that the President of the United States would tell us to continue to live in fear. But then – ah-ha. Hobbes is probably most famous for his reasoning behind the development and maintenance of the commonwealth. In Chapter 13 he declares, "The passions that incline men to peace are: fear of death; desire of such things as are necessary to commodious living; and a hope by their industry to obtain them." The Administration has attempted to maintain its sovereignty over the people by instilling this most basic fear. Therefore, it can peacefully spy on us, redistribute wealth to the rich and limit the populace's ability to unionize or even boycott products and industries. They tell us, "Allow us to give tax cuts to the rich or you're all gonna die!"

The Administration excuses itself in these actions with its own belief in sovereignty. George Bush has repeated declared that the government rest not in the people, nor in other parts of government, but in the office of the President. After the 2000 debacle – where the Lady of the Lake in the Supreme Court through him Excalibur – Bush called elections, "the peaceful transfer of authority." In 2005, he remodeled it "the peaceful transfer of power." To Bush power solely rests in his own office. He has shown disdain for Congress, ignoring and obstructing its investigation in all manner of things – 9/11, energy policy, etc. But, he has saved his greatest venom for the Courts, "activist judges." To Bush, Congress, the Courts and the people are meaningless. In Hobbesian style he declares, "je suis l'etat!" (but probably says, "gee, swiss le tate!")


Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Smorg, I am going to use some generalizations here--not meant to offend, but to present perspective. (Not meaning to sound "superior" either)

This is a well written article!

There are some GLARING TRUTHS in this article, but also an awful lot of assumptions. This is my greatest criticism of the "left's" approach, and also the reason they sometimes discredit themselves with mainstream America (or as I like to call them, the "silent majority).

I have three points that seem to be the general rule out there (and also applicable to this article)

First point: There is SO much that the left can level against the administration that is fact based and can be rationally presented, but the left continues to muddle the message by mixing in truth with fiction (or at least unfounded allegation).

Second point: Another thing I've noticed is a fundamental ignorance a lot of political commentators have concerning our government and the way it works. One of those is that they grant and credit the executive branch of government with far more power and culpability than is granted by the Constitution. We still have checks and balances in this country, and either the pundit is unaware of them, or they think they have been done away with. (I think this stems from the propensity of people to simplify things for oneself by focusing on the "face of evil" in order to confront it. This was typical of people back in the times of the Salem Witch trials, and seems to be prevalent today).

Third point: The tone of a lot of these articles is reactionary, exaggerated and alarmist--based far more on the perception of the individual (whether influenced by media or other source) than the reality of the situation. Of course one advantage to a presentation of such is that there are so many people out there who react the same way (when the herd stampedes all of them do) and therefore there's an audience for it.

This guy can write. He needs to marry his intellect with his skill and he would present a brilliant and persuasive argument. As it is, he discredits a lot of his presentation by presenting assumption as fact.

If you have time I would like to do something with you that we haven't tried before. (Let me know if you would be interested). What I would like to do, is for you to find me a "conservative" article that reflects fairly accurately "conservative" ideas (Or what the "right" is saying). Give me this article and let me critique it. Likewise, I will find a "liberal" article that seems to typify current liberal thought for you to critique (Kind of like this one). We would be critiquing what our supposed peers are saying. Not only would this be educational, but I think a heck of a lot of fun.

Let me know if you're interested and we can either proceed on the NL blog or my own.

Take care,


5:06 PM  
Blogger Smorgasbord said...

That sounds good. I probably won't be able to get you anything until at least tomorrow though.

I can critique this one if you'd like, or you can send me another (just make sure it's not too long!)

We'll see what happens...

5:50 PM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Not sure if this qualifies on the "too long", Smorg, but I thought it a good one. Take your time, though!


07.22.2003 - Researchers help define what makes a political conservative

6:16 PM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...


Your friend has tremendous writing talent and he also brings up some excellent points. I do commend him for that!


6:18 PM  
Blogger Smorgasbord said...

Here's one for you.

I'll get back to you on the other one.

9:47 AM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Meanwhile, Smorg, back on the ranch. I wrote this article about George Bush back when the Snipet was an email newsletter. It will make for a long comment post, but this is what I mean about presentation of factual information for the advancement of one's argument: (hope you don't mind me posting such a long article, and I also don't expect you to believe in all of the philosophies presented--I just wanted to point out that if people would just stick with the facts their argument remains whole and credible)


(Intro deleted)

At this time I will address just these four issues and George W. Bush's action (not words) on them. Following I will list additional breaches in this presidency that should point out to any rational Christian or conservative why another vote for George Bush in 2004 would be a breech in principle.

Early in the presidential term, the Snipet marked up many of these breaches to “blunder”. They have become too numerous, and too concerted to be anything other than intentional.

Read on:

1. Abortion. (Even if you believe that abortion is acceptable, you have to doubt the integrity of a man who claims to be something he isn’t. )

“All because of George W. Bush we have a ban on partial-birth abortion!". As though this were ANY great accomplishment at all. The ban on such an obvious practice (most civilized people would admit that killing a baby late in the third trimester is barbaric) passed both times it was initiated by the House and Senate (first time to be vetoed by Clinton). The second time around it passed because George Bush did not veto it. The initiative was ALREADY there, George just happened to be sitting there with the pen--something my 9 year old daughter could have figured out.

Of course, if that makes George pro-life, then Tom Daschle who voted for the ban is pro-life also. (PBA accounts for less than 1% of abortions). But what is GWB's real position on abortion?

-On the campaign trail, President Bush professed to be “pro-life”, but with exceptions – he believes abortion to be justified in cases of rape and incest. The New York Times reported, “It was the same tempered language that George W. Bush typically uses to discuss abortion, which he opposes except in cases of rape, incest or risk to a pregnant woman's life.” I'll let Alan Keyes do my analysis on this point: "...such pro-life exceptions that allow the innocent to be killed in some circumstances disqualify President Bush from being pro-life at all. If President Bush would justify the killing of one innocent person under his jurisdiction, he is disqualified from being a good person, much less a good leader. Having a rapist for a dad is not a capital crime, and for President Bush to state that innocent children can justly be killed because of the tragic circumstances of their conception reveals that he doesn’t comprehend the basic principle of the inalienable, inviolable, God-given right to life acknowledged in our nation’s founding documents.”

-“I don’t think the culture has changed to the extent that the American people or the Congress would totally ban abortions,” President Bush professed (USA TODAY. 10-28-03)

-GWB has the executive power to have Roe v. Wade revisited but refuses to do so. Approximately 4,110,000 babies have died on his watch.

-President Bush has decided to allow social service agencies in Africa and the Caribbean to receive funds from the U.S. treasury under his $15 billion emergency AIDS relief plan. They intend to promote family planning and provide abortions. (Not only is your money going to kill American babies, we have to go overseas and do it). The New York Times confirmed, “Ignoring objections from his conservative base, President Bush is to make a Rose Garden speech on Tuesday in support of a $15 billion bill to fight A.I.D.S. internationally that will direct some money to groups that promote abortion," Quick question: How does abortion prevent AIDS? New York Times, 2-15-03,

2. Freedom. 9/11 gave birth to the greatest example of mass hysteria this nation has faced. Our World War I & II predecessors would have been ashamed of us. Immediately the Bush Administration seized upon the opportunity to take the nation in a direction Bill Clinton could only dream about. Have you looked outside your own office windows at all the cameras? George Orwell was only a decade and a half off...

-HOMELAND SECURITY. The biggest oxymoron that the nation has ever witnessed! Will get into the facts in a little, but just HAVE to ask the question: How can we be secure when we continue to let Mohammed and his tribe free access into and out of the country? Because we allowed ourselves to be rooked into a never ending "war on terrorism", we have reaped a "war time government". The Constitution is shredded as we see the following under the Patriot Act:

-The government can bug, wiretap, or search anyone in America for up to 15 days without going to any court.

-The government can seize personal information about Americans (including credit information, educational transcripts, etc.) in a wide range of circumstances without the approval of any court.

-The government can lock you up indefinitely without a formal charge; they can deny you an attorney and a jury of your peers.

-Individuals and groups which advocate Second Amendment rights could be classified as "foreign powers" and subjected to electronic surveillance for up to one year without the approval of any court.

-DSEA (Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003) could allow members and supporters of gun rights organizations to be stripped of their citizenship, arrested and held indefinitely without charges, here or abroad, in secret at a secret location without access to an attorney or benefit of constitutional protections.

-Allows the federal government to create and sustain a DNA database of "suspected" terrorists, with the federal government exercising unfettered discretion over who is a "suspected" terrorist. Under this law, a "suspected" terrorist would be any person whom the U.S. Attorney General says is a "suspected" terrorist.

It should be obvious to all Americans that the federal government is using the "war on terrorism" as a ruse to abolish the freedoms of the American people, to eviscerate the Bill of Rights, and to seize unlimited power for itself. But maybe RIGHT IDEOLOGUES ARE JUST AS BLIND AS LEFT. It should also be obvious that if it were a Democrat administration attempting this, resistance would be vocal and vigorous. Because it is a Republican administration, however, resistance is almost nonexistent.

What the Clinton administration could not accomplish in 8 years, the Bush administration is doing in less than 4. What international terrorists such as Osama bin Laden could not do through violence, power-hungry politicians within our own government are doing through bureaucratic and congressional statute. Even worse, the American people seem content to let it happen. Patrick Henry must be rolling over in his grave!

On top of that GWB:

-supports every gun control measure enacted under the Clinton Administration

-has been challenged for holding American citizens without access to an attorney

-has supported the illegal seizure of land (initiated under the Clinton Administration) in which millions of acres of western land was seized by the executive branch-

3. Moral Integrity. Most of us agreed that Judge Moore should be able to keep the Ten Commandments tablet outside of his courtroom--if nothing else because it represented the tenets of law that our current legal system is built on. The Bush Administration backed the removal of said tablets-even criticizing Judge Moore.

But this is probably the least of the problems with GWB.

Back in the old West as he likes to identify with, men were as good as their word.

The GWB that campaigned over two years ago bears NO resemblance to the one we have.

-Smaller government: Gov't has increased by over 30%--the greatest increase in history, and NO only a small portion of that increase is Homeland Security.

-A professed belief in the Christian "God"--but tells us that Allah and God are one in the same.

-Pro Second Ammendment, and supports Clinton's gun ban, and additional bureaucratic legislation and red tape prohibiting CITIZENS their right to keep and bear arms.

4. Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights. The Constitution guarantees YOU and me certain rights. Rights that have been given away and gladly taken by the Bush Administration.

-His support of Clinton’s 1995 “assault weapons ban” which outlawed a host of semi-automatic guns. The gun ban was due to expire in 2005, but according to Presidential spokesman Scott McClellan, "The president supports the current law (the Clinton gun ban), and he supports reauthorization of the current law. If you have any questions about the gun issue, please ask for Snipet dated February 18, 2003.

-In spite of the fact that he campaigned on the promise to veto any campaign finance reform legislation that limited Americans’ freedom of speech, he signed into law the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill that effectively eviscerated the first amendment

-The Patriot Act which allows the government to read your private e-mail correspondence, monitor your internet usage, tap into your phone conversations, delve into computer files and conduct “sneak-and-peak” searches of homes and offices without immediately, if ever, presenting residents with a search warrant. See above rant.


-Through being everything to everybody—gross compromise, he demoralized Korean and Japanese Christians by bowing down at a pagan Shinto shrine in Japan. True Christians don’t acknowledge other “deities” other than the one TRUE God.

-His public profession that Muslims and Christians worship the same God, contrary to the plain teaching of Scripture.

-His endorsement of Ramadan, a Muslim fast, at a White House celebration.

-His approval of federally-financed experimentation on human embryos

-His dramatic increase in the size and spending of the federal government with a record deficit. With his $2.23 trillion budget, his administration will complete the biggest increase in government spending since Lyndon Johnson’s "Great Society." The budget deficit predicted by the House Budget Office will hit a record $306 billion. Spending on government programs increased 22 % from 1999 to 2003. A Washington Post report said, "The era of big government, if it ever went away, has returned full-throttle under President Bush.” Even former house majority leader Dick Armey commented that under President Bush, the federal government is "out of control."

-His expansion of government welfare programs to illegal aliens and his proposals to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. (Yep, you're already paying social security disability benefits to these people)

-His proposal to increase the budget and the power of the Internal Revenue Service: “Bush will give the IRS a 5.3 percent boost to $10.4 billion for the budget year that begins Oct. 1. That will include $133 million dollars for added audits of businesses and taxpayers.”

-His increased funding of the National Endowment of the Arts, which uses taxpayer money to publicize vulgar and blasphemous “art”, such as the artwork depicting a statuette of Jesus in a jar of urine.

-He signed into law a massive expansion of Medicare that resulted in "the single largest expansion of the federal welfare state since the Great Society programs of the 1960s."

-Signed a bill allowing death benefits to be paid to the domestic partners of firefighters and police officers who die in the line of duty, permanently extending a federal death benefit to same-sex couples for the first time.

Meanwhile, he stands up in his State of the Union addresses:

-spending restraint, seeming to blame everyone but himself

-freedom and opportunity and then brags about his new bureaucracies, spending programs, mandates, comprehensive plans, regulations, and goals concerning all our lives.

-praise for an abysmally low tax cut while spending hundreds of billions.

-in order to protect freedom, we must forfeit our liberties

-to have peace, we must fight a prolonged war

-to be strong, we must be kept ignorant of our government’s actions

In short, to be good Americans we must believe in apparent contradictions and submit to our government entirely.

For a complete bibliography please submit a written request to the Snipet. The Snipet fully expects to have to drop many more from its mailing list after this, but completely appreciates all feedback, comments or disagreements. That’s what America is STILL all about *

10:36 AM  
Blogger Smorgasbord said...

Wow Jack. I could have written that myself (except I wouldn't have included the abortion section). Bravo. True conservatives, true liberals, and NeoLibs can all agree: Bush is/has been terrible for our country. Amen.

11:09 AM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...


I know, Smorg. In all fairness I will give Bush credit when he deserves it or point out when I think him unfairly judged, but there is a universal constant to truth and that is what we need to be using.

I want to see the likes of George Bush out of the White House, I want to see the likes of our current Republicans out of the White House or held accountable for their Republican Oath. I wrote an article during the Kerry/Bush election to the effect that if John Kerry was elected, it would be a good thing, because it would bring about that stalemate between the executive and legislative branch again, giving us tired, beleaguered and taxed citizens a rest from too much government.

Smorg, I don't believe Democrats are the answer--most of them are nuts, (said with all due respect), but then again, I don't see our Republicans as answers either. We are in dire need of an upset to the existing power base, at LEAST two other parties who have the interest of the country and the people in mind over their own self interests. The two parties we have are all about themselves...



I listened to Nancy Pelosi about the new Democrat agenda. If you get a chance look into it. I think that Neolibs would be just as disgusted as the Snipet was.


Ever notice a common thread to much of our discussions here. Ever notice that a lot of what we want is the same?

11:43 AM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...


Hope you're well.

The last election I "didn't vote", or...I "voted for the other side". According to friends and acquaintances, if I didn't vote for President Bush I was voting for John Kerry (even though I voted for another party candidate). Same went for my refusal to vote for Lindsey Graham.

Well, I may have "voted for the other side" by doing so, but at least when I went home I could look at myself in the mirror and say that I stood by my principle. I refuse to vote for evil anymore even if it is the lesser. To me its not about parties anymore so much as who is right and who is wrong. I am going to vote for those I think are right even if it gives the advantage to those who are wrong. At least I can live with myself.




The greatness of this nation has always been in its people, not its government. This nation still contains the greatest people this earth has ever seen, selfless, sacrificial, giving, heroic, and hard working individuals who have given and continue to give much to each other and to the rest of the world.

2:42 PM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Interesting article in the Wash Times:

GOP Irritation At Bush Was Long Brewing

4:33 PM  

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