Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Sun Tzu and the Art of Spying
A White House official's wisecrack about an ancient Chinese philosopher actually provides critical insights into Bush's views on spying and executive branch power...
- By Craig Murray
Sunday, January 29, 2006
George and Jack
"Absolutely," Mike Pence, an Indiana Republican, told "Fox News Sunday" when asked if records should be released.
"I think this president is a man of unimpeachable integrity. The American people have profound confidence in him, Pence said."
Let me break this down. His first statement I do not agree or disagree one way or the other. That this man is of unimpeachable integrity is a terrible thing to say. I am not suggesting the president be impeached, I am suggesting he be checked. Unimpeachable and integrity should not go together in this sentence or any sentence ever. There is an extreme lack of intergrity in this administration.
And the American people have profound confidence in him is really just stupid and completely wrong. His approval ratings are horrible and I am not pleased to see how bad they are. It is plain embarrassing. If the "American people" is a room full of Bush and some of his and his dad's friends, then yes, the American people have profound confidence in him. But it isn't.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Send Ken Lay to Prison Forever
*I really don't think he or anyone should be executed for this but do strongly feel they should spend the rest of their lives in maximum security prison.
Sorry for being so angry. I am better now.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
More From The Osama Chronicles
Osama Bin Laden is back in the news with a new videotape message. The US government and its lapdog right-wing media responds with the usual, as if it considers Bin Laden to be a problem or something.
How could it? This is the same government presided over by a flip-flopper-in-chief who said he did not care about Bin Laden anymore. Didn't know, didn't care.
The same government who could have used its superpower resources to pursue and capture Bin Laden, but instead chose to let him go free so it could use its "political capitol" to pursue other adventures that held promise of wealth and power for them.
The same government that pulls Bin Laden and/or 9/11 out of a hat every time their popularity dips low. It's been a while since we've seen him, but now that impeachment is becoming a real possibility, it has become necessary to recall Bin Laden from his life of leisure at the ranch in Crawford and dangle him like a scarecrow before the cowering masses. The politics of fear. Also called terrorism. A specialty of the Bush-Cheney regime.
If Osama Bin Laden is a threat, it is because the Bush Administration has refused to pursue and capture him. They want him to remain at large so that they can exploit his name whenever they need to, and use him as a tool to generate fear and support among their followers. He is Bush government's accomplice, and they are his protectors, and they do not give a shit about you or me or anyone's safety but their own. They are vile, treasonous bastards who deliberately jeopardize this nation for their own gain.
Whoever supports George Bush need not worry about Osama Bin Laden. They're all partners in terrorism.
UPDATE: Ooops, nevermind the update. The link changed!
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Congress Begins Standup Comedy Tour
"...Republicans moved to seize the initiative for ethics reform..."HA HA HA HA HA! OH, STOP!!
Democrats counter GOP on lobbying ethics
Okay, better late than never, I suppose. Just remember the old saying about glass houses...!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Aspen Ideas Festival
Maryland forces Wal-Mart to spend more on employee health benefits
For example, those of us who believe in a free market might be understandably concerned about government dictating terms to a private enterprise about how much health benefits to provide their employees.
On the other hand, those of us who believe in a free market know that Wal-Mart, which sucks mightily at the taxpayers' teat, is not really a free market enterprise at all: it is subsidized by the taxpayers and reaps huge profits at their expense, forcing the those of us who pay taxes to pay the balance on their so-called "always low prices" with our tax dollars.
As far as I am concerned, if Wal-Mart can't stay afloat without relying on taxpayers' money, then it is a recipient of corporate welfare in the worst way and should be required to reimburse the taxpayers with some of those $10 billion record profits they are so proud of. But since we know that will never happen, the least they could do is tale steps to ensure that their employees do not have to rely on public assistance (yes, the store even encourages them to do so).
So, to all those to condemn government meddling in Wal-Mart's affairs, and who also condemn what they describe as lazy deadbeat welfare recipients who are encouraged not to become self-sufficient by living off the taxpayers, it is time to put your money where your mouth is. It's time for Wal-Mart to stand or fall without being propped up by public assistance.
p.s. - more states are pickin' up on this, too...
Saturday, January 14, 2006
A new epidemic?
The End of An Era
And I can finally sleep in on Saturday mornings again.
Saturday morning part-time baker for hire. Will work for less than a wal-mart worker salary.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Blunt, why bother?
Friday, January 06, 2006
The Republican Crime Party
"It is not our job to seek peaceful coexistence with the Left. Our job is to remove them from power permanently." - Jack A. Abramoff
And how did they proceed with that plan? Why, by clinging to their tried-and-true gameplan of graft, corruption, and a complete lack of ethics. Sticking with what has worked for them in the past, conserving those old-fashioned tricks they used before.
It seems to follow the same pattern. Start out on top, and end up with a scandal. Take Nixon. His scandal became the one by which all others are judged since. Since Watergate, everything is "__gate." Humorously, even the republicans apply the "-gate" suffix to democrats' scandals, whether real or imagined, only serving to remind their audience where "-gate" came from.
Then there was Reagan. Again, started out on top, thanks to his willingness to endow the nation's sworn enemies with weapons. By the time his presidency ended, you couldn't swing a cat without hitting an indicted republican.
Then came Bush Sr. Besides pardoning the criminals from the Reagan presidency, he ushered in the era of Bush scandals. The S&L scandals. The gay child-sex scandal (to be fair, that one was a Reagan-Bush scandal). And so on.
Now, we live in the era of Bush Jr. The most corrupt administration ever, built on lies and hypocrisy. One that seems to revel in its repeated insults to America. Republican all the way.
And you know what? I hear that all the corruption-cash in the Abramoff scandal went to republicans. All of it. Not a dime to democrats. Hmm. I guess God's chosen, morally superior party of family values, is just repeating history again. Now that's conservative!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Pat Robinson caused Ariel Sharon's stroke
"He was dividing God's land, and I would say, woe unto any prime minister of Israel who takes a similar course to appease the European Union, the United Nations or the United States of America"
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
More about War for Control of Resources
To our right-wing commenters, I ask you to please not dismiss the article simply because it mentions Cindy Sheehan in a positive light. The information about the role of water in the Iraq war is an important issue, addressed separately.
"Consider for a moment why we have not heard the mainstream media or the President mention the role of water in the Iraq war. The Middle East is home to five percent of the world's population and only one percent of the world's renewable water supply... [the] population, comparable to the population of the United States, is on track to double in just a few decades... Iraq is a critical strategic location for both al Qaeda and the United States not just because of Iraq's oil, but because Iraq has the most extensive fresh water system in the Middle East... Understanding the role of water in the Middle East explains why there is no exit strategy from Iraq and why many Middle East experts predict the United States will be in Iraq for decades. Even Donald Rumsfeld, with a track record of being overly optimistic about the cost and duration of the Iraq war, is now setting expectations that the war will continue until 2017... Pieces to the puzzle, like the locations of the 14 "enduring" or permanent military bases and likely duration of the American occupation, can suddenly become crystal clear when you consider the locations of the Euphrates, Tigris, Greater Zab and Lesser Zab rivers. One only need look at the Nasiriyah "enduring base" on the Euphrates in South-East Iraq to understand the strategic value of water. The truth is that in addition to oil, water is a real reason for the invasion of Iraq... Don't be fooled by the occasional messages that our troops will leaving in a few years. The Pentagon is planning on occupying Iraq for decades. The Pentagon's long-range strategic plan is likely to require an American occupation far beyond Donald Rumsfeld's optimistic 2017 forecast.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Battling for resources
After failing to kill Yushchenko the Kremlin is now cutting the supply of natural gas to the Ukraine. A deal sealed prior to the last election set gas prices at 20% of what the Russians are now demanding. It's understandable that Russia would seek a fair market value for their natural gas however a deal is a deal and a measured increase in prices over time is solution that makes the most sense. Unfortunately for the Russians they supply 25% of Europe's gas, distributed through pipelines that pass through the Ukraine. This leaves Yushchenko in a powerful bargaining position.
Maybe my professor was right. A war between Russia and the Ukraine over natural gas would cause a situation that may force European countries to participate. Losing a quarter of their natural gas supply would be disastrous to the economies of France, Hungary, Austria, Italy, Poland, Slovakia and Croatia. Putin is a problem. His imperialistic policies are moving Russia in the wrong direction.
Taking the lead from Yushchenko, I'm thinking about declaring war on my local gas company. I wonder whether I could cut the supply of gas that passes through my property until Keyspan agrees to lower prices. It's going to be a long winter.