Sunday, November 20, 2005

Sharing the Blame

In a recent post on his blog, my friend Mike of the North offered an interesting quote from an article at Axis of Logic that says:
Of course the Democrats are now attempting to slip into the ranks of the antiwar movement, after having supported the U.S. massacres in Iraq and after having presided over the obsenities in U.S. uniforms at Abu Ghraib. The Democrats? Please! The war in Iraq had the support of both, Republicans and Democrats from the beginning.

At Axis of Logic we can promise you this: As long as we exist, we will never let the reader forget that Bill Clinton killed more people in Iraq than George W. Bush - some say a baby every 6 seconds through starvation and disease for a period of time during his 8 years of sanctions, no fly zones and weekly missile attacks... There should be no question in the mind of anyone who has borne witness to the two-party support for the war on the people of Iraq. Both political parties in the United States serve the same master ... The Profit Beast - Global Corporate Empire - and we the people must not rest until we have routed them from their whorish corporate beds. Otherwise we are as culpable as they.
The article also asks this question:
So when the Democrats win in a future election, will we continue our fight to bring down these "bipartisan" monsters who use our blood and money in the killing fields - or will we relax and ignore the hidden wars of the Democrats as in the past?
I think that is an important question. In the currently volatile political climate, elections could, possibly, result in a power shift from republican to democrat control of one or more branches of government. If that happens, we will do ourselves (as well as the party of our choice) a great disservice if we don't continue speak up about injustice or corruption whenever and wherever it appears. I liken it to doing an "intervention" to stop a friend from destroying themselves with an addiction to drink or drug. We must be ready to intervene when our political leaders become drunk with power, even if we voted for 'em.

tip 'o the hat to Jack, who frequently reminds me that two parties seems to offer twice the level of corruption!


Blogger Jack Mercer said...

When principle begins to trump party, Shea, may be the day America begins to wake up. Will it be too late?


5:35 PM  
Blogger SheaNC said...

I'm hoping they won't destroy everything before that day comes.

1:06 AM  
Blogger Sean said...

Okay, how are the U.S. and Clinton responsible for the actions of Hussein? The U.N. imposed sanctions on Iraq, if I'm not mistake. Yes, we may have pushed for them, and because we alone can do it we may have enforced them, but they were consented to by the U.N.

Further, the sanctions allowed Iraq to sell billions of dollars worth of oil so it could by food and medicine for its citizens. There should have been more than enough food and medicine flowing into Iraq during the period of sanctions to sustain all of its citizens. If food and medecine were not flowing in, who was to blame? The U.S.? Clinton? The U.N.? Or Hussein?

The person/regime that embezzled the oil-for-food program's money and spent it on palaces and such should probably be blamed for the suffering of the Iraqi people, don't you think?

8:19 PM  
Blogger DM said...

There is a question, Sean, that really needs to be answered. Because I honestly do not know. We always do seem to just have to look at ourselves when someone needs to be blamed. But we are not the ones to always be blamed- we have corrected plenty wrongdoings before and rightfully so.

11:35 PM  

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