Saturday, April 16, 2005

Not All Christians Want To Kill You

Really! Here is a site operated by a Christian couple who wisely describe how their Christian values are in direct conflict with the fascist Neocon agenda. Here's how they descibe themselves:
"We are very concerned about how the Gospel and Scripture are (mis-)represented in popular culture, religious media and the churches, and how truth in general is mis-represented by the neo-conservative wealth elite in the current administration and in other key segments of our cultural and national life. These things have dreadful implications for all present and future residents of our planet."
They have some wonderful posts, like this one called "American Congress 'Grossly Wicked'? Jesus Calls Its Values 'Detestable'," and another that points out how, like Bush and his cohorts, "Hitler Defended Christian Morality & Family Values."

The site is one example of many out there which remind us that there are Christians out there who try to live by His teachings, rejecting the neocon agenda of greed, murder, hypocrisy, and evil. More power to 'em :)


Blogger DM said...

Yes it is sad, because Democrats and lefties are prone to thinking how dangerous and nuts the "religious right" is. I do not blame religious people, Christians, born-agains, etc. Most have good intentions and religion for many turns their lives around. I blame coocoo bigots like Jerry Falwell, or Bush, because they so effectively play on those values and manipulate those whose beliefs are driven by their religion into thinking that imperialism and destroying countries is good because "God told me to" or "God told me that Bush would win the election." Jerry, how come no one else can get in on one of your personal q & a sessions with God? Maybe we would all be as all-knowing as you.
There is religion, which brings people together, brings out the best in people, and teaches them the right values. Then there is bigotry and lack of acceptance in the supposed name of God and religion- the latter unfortunately running rampant today. We should invade their bodies, kill their twisted thought process, and convert them to sanity (apologies to Ann Coulter).

11:18 AM  

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