Wednesday, April 13, 2005

"Our Country Has Been Overtaken By Murderous Thugs"

It is ironic how eloquently some can describe the sheer horror of our political reality. I liked this statement too much to simply assign it to a link. It is from a speech given by by Cindy Sheehan, co-founder of Gold Star Families For Peace
Thirty years ago, 1975, Gerald Ford was President of the United Sates. His Chief of Staff was Dick Cheney. His Secretary of Defense was Donald Rumsfeld. Paul Wolfowitz was heading-up the international arms-control end of things. All of these positions related directly to national security. While these men were looking after the nation's safety, they and President Ford concluded that Iran needed to supplement its energy system by adding nuclear power. The nuclear energy project that these men approved would have netted certain US corporations billions of dollars. Had the Shah of Iran...a blood-bought servant of US corporate interests...not soon been overthrown by his own countrymen, the big-wigs at Westinghouse or General Electric...or perhaps both...would have amassed personal fortunes from this one project, alone. Some of the stockholders would have also made bundles on the deal.

In 1975 my son had not yet been born. Today he is in his grave. Dick Cheney, on the other hand, is now Vice President of the United States, and he is materially wealthy beyond what any of us would ever pray to be. This is the same Dick Cheney who during the months leading-up to the invasion of Iraq said that Saddam Hussein not only has stockpiles of Weapons of Mass Destruction...more than a hundred metric tons of the deadly stuff...but he also said that Saddam Hussein was well-advanced in developing nuclear weapons and that therefore the US must invade Iraq and dethrone Saddam Hussein. Clean, quick, and simple according to Dick Cheney. Yet for some time now he has changed his tune. He now if he had said it all along...that the US occupation of Iraq will require years of difficult and sometimes bloody conflict before it will be stable enough to bring our loved ones home. And too, rather than speak of Weapons of Mass Destruction, he now uses the word "democracy" a lot.

Is there yet an American who can not clearly see that Dick Cheney...whether it be 1975 or 2005...will say whatever he thinks is required to ultimately cause wealth and power to move to himself and to his friends? ...need I defile this holy place with words like "Halliburton" and "Kellog, Brown & Root" and "torture" and "US weapons industry"? Indeed, the Apostle Paul is correct in saying that, ultimately, the love of money leads to ruin and destruction.

Read... and you will understand that the horrid price we and the people of Iraq have paid to discover that Saddam's Weapons Of Mass Destruction had already been destroyed is not due to any failure at the U.S. intelligence agencies, it is in fact a validation of U.S. intelligence agencies... Rumsfeld was well-informed, by knowledgeable people within the Intelligence community, that Saddam had been stripped clean of such weapons, that Saddam's ability to reconstitute such weapons' programs had also been destroyed, and that any moves Saddam might have made in that direction would have been observed and stopped, forthwith.

Is there anyone in America who cannot yet see that Donald Rumsfeld is a liar...that he, as with Hitler and Stalin....will say anything so long as he thinks it will help shape the world to his own liking? Is there even one, sane adult among us who cannot see that Donald Rumsfeld is a threat to our nation's security and to peace on our beloved earth?

Paul Wolfowitz, after months of not finding any Weapons of Mass Destruction....and after hundreds of US soldiers were son amongst them....and after tens of thousands of innocent Iraq citizens were killed....this same Paul Wolfowitz casually explained....with his kindly charade and his ever so soft voice...that a decision was made to put forth "Weapons of Mass Destruction" as the need for the invasion. Essentially, Paul Wolfowitz admitted that he and his fellow conspirators had decided amongst themselves "...let's just go with the bit about Weapons of Mass Destruction. It's the one thing that will scare the American people enough so as to cause them to get behind this invasion."

As soft-spoken and sincere-sounding as Paul Wolfowitz is, is there yet any sane adult in this country who's skin does not crawl when this murderous liar opens his mouth and speaks? Am I the only person in this room who clearly sees that Paul Wolfowitz is a threat to our nation's security...and to peace on our beloved earth?"

30 years ago these 3 men gave the green light to Iran so that Iran could hire US companies to go there and build a 6.4 billion dollar nuclear power facility. doubt the final bill would have been at least three times that much. Yet Dick Cheney recently said this of Iran's current intentions to add nuclear power to their energy system: Quote...."They are already sitting on an awful lot of oil and gas. Nobody can figure why they need nuclear to generate energy"....end of quote. Did these men not notice, 30 years ago, while they and their cohorts were being wined and dined by the Shah, that his opulent surroundings were bought and paid for with oil and gas that was being taken from the ground beneath their feet? Yet these men agreed, clear back then, that Iran needed to add nuclear power to their energy system. It is now 30 years and God only knows how many tens of millions of barrels of oil, later. Why should we believe these men....who we know are liars....when they now say that Iran's primary motive for wanting nuclear power is so that they can make nuclear weapons with which to destroy us and our allies? Even now, the International Atomic Energy Agency reports that there is no evidence that Iran has a nuclear weapons program. The Bush administrations response? They are trying to oust the agency's lead inspector, Mohammed al-Baradei. But who can forget that it was Mr. al-Baradei and the International Atomic Energy Agency who, during the months prior to the invasion of Iraq, reported that Saddam no longer had a nuclear weapons programs.

Our country has been overtaken by murderous thugs....gangsters who lust after fortunes and power; never caring that their addictions are at the expense of our loved ones, and the blood of innocent people near and far. We've watched these thugs parade themselves before the whole world as if they are courageous advocates for Christian moral values....and for the spread of democracy. Yet we all know that they are now putting in place, all across this country, a system of voting that provides no way to validate the accuracy of the counting of the votes. Our loved ones have been buried in early graves even as these arrogant thugs parade themselves before the entire world, insisting that democracy is worth dying for, killing for, and destroying entire cities for, all the while they are busy here at home overseeing the emplacement of an electronic voting system that invites fraud at every turn, an electronic vote-counting system that provides no way to validate the votes cast, and that, by it's very design, prohibits recounting the votes.

For these men to not see to it that our own system of voting and vote-counting is accurate, understandable and verifiable... all the while sending our loved ones to kill and to die so as to establish a democracy in some far away place... this is just one more staggering piece of evidence that the US government is now ruled by murderous hypocrites...criminals who should be arrested, charged appropriately, confined behind bars, and then tried in a court of law... not only here in our own country, but also in all the other countries which have suffered their incomprehensible greed. In their secret hiding places, while celebrating newly won fortunes with their fellow brass, these men must surely congratulate themselves with orgies of carnal pleasure as they mock the multitudes who are yet so blind as to mistake them for God's devoted servants.
You know what? The best place for evil to hide is in plain sight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist"

11:40 AM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Plato observed that evidence of the the decline of an empire was when the base in society rose to the top as its rulers. We see this repeatedly throughout history. For example, when Rome's decadent and spoiled children sat in the seats of the Senate and became its Caesars, then the collapse of the empire became imminent.

Fast forward to United States. We have witnessed a considerable lack of character in the White House and in our other branches of government over the last 20 years.

The decline of the United States empire is imminent.

11:48 AM  
Blogger SheaNC said...

I can safely predict that it will collapse the minute my car is finally paid off.

4:20 PM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

That's that guy Murphy's fault, Shea!

12:23 PM  
Blogger SheaNC said...

Seriously, though, this article didn't even cover all of the evil they do. It's really depressing. They're practically omnipotent, and evil, too. I am truly having a difficult time, these days, trying to reconcile it all.

3:45 PM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Its been around for decades, Shea--you and I are just getting older :)

4:27 PM  
Blogger DM said...

I always thought about what it would be like if, when global conflict arises, the leaders of those respective countries would solve it themselves. Instead of the military, why dont they just get in the ring for a 12 round battle? Then, I thank God almighty that this is not the case, because the United States would be fucked. Bush vs. Saddam Pay Per View live!!! Otto Reich vs. Hugo Chavez!!! I guess my point is that these guys in our administration are the biggest bunch of pussyboys I have ever seen who try to come off as hardass cowboys, when they are pansies. I cannot imagine how anyone in the military could have any respect for George Bush, even worse, Dick "I had other priorities is my excuse for being a chickenhawk" Cheney. Which branch of the military did you serve in? Mrs. Perle, Mrs. Wolfowitz? We are living in a world run by a bunch of nerdy, wimpy cowards.

6:45 PM  
Blogger SheaNC said...

Me! Me! I'll fight Bush! Send Me! I'll do it! I'm overweight, diabetic, eyes are shot, with a bad knee and an attitude to match. I'd donate my spleen for 15 rounds with George W. Bush. AAUURRGGHH!

1:59 AM  

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