Sunday, April 03, 2005

American Media

Click here to read an excellent analysis of American media from a different point of view -- an Iraqi young woman. It's fascinating to read a different perspective on our media, which she describes as "like hospital food. It's all organized and disinfected."

River, the blogger, lends voice to what a legitimate problem in America -- our desensitization to overseas atrocities. When violence and "offensive" images are banned from our news programs, we lose perspective on our actions and the events in the world. It's easy to ignore problems when we are not faced with real images of them, rather just the washed-down versions.


Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Hi Luna!

I understand entirely. I have a Chinese friend, Gue Su, whoes father is in jail. He is beat weakly. Her uncle was executed. The plight of both of these men and literally THOUSANDS like them are ignored by the American media.

Makes you wonder what her father and uncle did? I'll answer that question: They are Christians--her uncle was executed for distributing Bibles, her father is in prison for holding a church service in his home.

Where are these stories in the media, huh?

We leveled sanctions against South Africa because they would not allow their black population to vote. China is killing people because of their religious beliefs and they have "most favored nation" trading status? I don't get it! Do you?


12:03 PM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Pardon, the above spellos and typos...

12:03 PM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

BTW, that WAS a fascinating article! Good post!

1:18 PM  

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