Tuesday, February 01, 2005

All prisoners have rights

Jeffrey Dahmer was afforded all the legal protections the US had to offer but a group of men captured during a war have remained isolated and without legal rights for more than 3 years. It's about time these people were able to question their captivity. Imagine if the roles were reversed and a country held US citizens without legal counsel, or ANY public forum in which to plead their case. It would not be tolerated. The government is probably bemoaning the timing of this latest decision, unless they can get an ultra-conservative on the Supreme Court I've got to believe it will be a 5-4 decision upholding this ruling.

On a related note, over at the Heritage Foundation Ashcroft had some parting words aimed to drive fear into anyone not agreeing with his ideology of perpetual incarceration and the renewal of the Patriot Act. I am happy to see him go.

AP: A typical paranoid angry conservative white guy.


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