Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Replacing Ashcroft with Ashcroft II

So Ashcroft is out. No surprise there. I'm going to go out on a limb a make a prediction. Had Bush lost the popular vote but won the election Rudy Giuliani would have been his pick. Since Bush believes his policies have been ratified by the electorate I'd say we are looking at Ashcroft II, Larry Thompson. Thomson would be the nations first black attorney general. I'm not discounting Giuliani as a replacement for Ridge but a lot of favors need to be paid back to conservative right before moderates like Giuliani get any benefit from the second term. Thomson is not good news for the ACLU he's an ardent supporter of the Patriot Act.

UPDATE: I may be wrong, Gonzalez looks set to take the job. Gonzalez advised the President not to follow the Geneva Convention when dealing with Al Qaida and Taliban prisoners. He is also behind the authorization of military tribunals and is considered the fiercest defender of administration secrecy. Gonzalez will be the nations first hispanic Attorney General. He seems to hold fairly moderate Republican views; now there's an oxymoron. The bad news is this takes him out of the running for a Supreme Court position, for the time being. Gonzalez would have supported Row v Wade.


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