Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Hendrik Hertzberg Comment - Blues

The New Yorker has a great opinion piece on the election that summed up a lot of my feelings but also added some value to the post-election analysis and gave us some direction on what to expect from the second term.

"What people on what might be called the cultural blue side, which includes many who voted for Bush, find deeply unsettling about him is not his religious faith—he is hardly the first devout President—but the way he speaks of making decisions with his gut, which, he has often suggested, takes its direction from God. In his second term, given the validation he received on Election Day, he is likely to be more confident—in himself, in his “instincts,” and in Almighty Gut. He will be less inclined than ever to listen to his earthly father, or to his earthly father’s earthly surrogates, such as Colin Powell."


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