Sunday, November 07, 2004

Evangelical Christians and the new Western Theocracy.

Carl Rove to Tim Russert on Meet the Press Sunday November 7th 2004.

MR. ROVE: “Well, my understanding is that he [Bush] was referring to civil relationships defined at a state level. He clearly believes that states have the right to define such things as the right to visitation in the hospital or inheritance rights or benefit rights. Those ought to be up to states. But he does believe very fervently that 5,000 years of human history should not be overthrown by the acts of a few liberal judges or by the acts of a few local elected officials. Marriage is and should be defined as being between one man and one woman.”

Bush's plan to seek a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage is troubling, but more worrisome was Rove’s reference to 5,000 years of human history. This wasn’t a reference to recorded history but to the date of creation. Rove is warning any non-God-fearing Christian that times are about to change. Rove’s use of the word “few” is to let the American people know that anyone not agreeing with their policies are firmly in the minority. Bush has his evangelical mandate and he intends to use it.

Prior to November 2nd, I though a lot about Sistani taking power in Iraq and the subsequent installation of a Shiite theocracy. Now my greatest fear is the further permeation of an Evangelical Christian theocracy in America. The proposed administration changes will likely see promotions for the Neo-Cons, including Wolfowitz and Perle but will also see many favors paid back to Christian conservatives aka the Theo-Cons. Theo-Cons, like James Dobson of the Focus on Family Group, are already pressuring the Senate majority leader to reconsider whether Arlen Specter should be appointed as the head of the judiciary committee, following his comments on judges who would overturn Row v Wade. Make no mistake, the Evangelicals take full responsibility for Bush’s win and have every intention of claiming their prize.


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