Sunday, March 11, 2007

In Memoriam

I'm not a big fan of George Stephanopoulos' This Week show on ABC. It is a substandard rip off of Meet the Press, and George is really nauseating. However, without fail his In Memoriam Lives of Note section gets me in tears each week as he reads off the names of soldiers killed in Iraq. I'm always struck by the number and age of the men a women dieing each week. Can anyone in the Administration or Congress watch this without feeling a deep sense of guilt? I hope not. After years of being told they should start a diplomatic dialog to end the war, the Administration is now reluctantly coming to the table. It's too little too late, if the President was a Democrat the White House would have already been over run with civilian militias demanding change.


Blogger DM said...

One thing I often wonder about is if we had things switched around- if a Democrat was in the White House and orchestrated the invasion of Iraq, how would it have been received? Would Republicans be saying the same thing that Democrats are now saying, and vice versa?

The utter arrogance of not embracing others in dialogue is sickening. War is an act of politics that should always be a last resort, but with some of these people its the first thing on their minds. I understand we dont want Iran to have nuclear capability- but that argument is tough when its ok for us to have them, and not Iran. I do not respect Iran's government but our approach has been so flawed.

Do you think its coincidence that dialogue is starting to increase ever since this country got rid of Rumsfeld, hopefully once and for all? I dont. If you have read State of Denial by Bob Woodward- who does better than anyone at keeping his opinions out of matters in the book- it is incredibly obvious that the miscalculations and chaos that have ever taken place are due in large part to Rumsfeld. I wouldn't hesitate to call him the worst secretary of defense the country has ever had.

1:31 PM  

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