Sunday, February 18, 2007

Business as usual

After the elections last November, one thing was clear: whether you agreed or disagreed with the administration's Iraq war policy it was the number 1 issue on voters' minds. Why did the American people hand both the house and the senate to Democrats? Because by a margin of 2:1 they think that Bush has the wrong idea about how to run Iraq. Sure the economy, health care, terrorism and immigration were on people's minds, but the main message was to the Democrats and it was "Do something about the mess in Iraq".

I'm not sure about you, but I hoped a Democratic win would give them the boost they needed to really get to work. Instead we get Pelosi's "First 100 hours", followed by business as usual, oh yeah, and the "non-binding Iraq war resolution". The voters demand a change in direction and instead we get a resolution telling Bush what he can read in the newspaper every morning (if he read news, which apparently he doesn't). This is an unpopular war that will never be won. Ever. It's impossible for a western army to forcibly mend the relationship between three historically hostile communities.

Sure I support the troops. I don't support their deployment in Iraq. I support bringing them home and letting them know that we should never have sent them their in the first place, and apologising. Does that mean soldiers were killed and wounded without good reason? Unfortunately, yes.

Democrats need to give up on non-binding resolutions and really take it to the President. They have the support of the American people. Finish this war and let's move on to managing the fall-out of further destabilizing an already volatile region.


Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Hi Mochi,

Glad to see you back in the saddle. Looking forward to the new Neolibs also!

Good post--and accurate I believe. The problem is that we have two parties at the top who are interested in nothing but politics as usual. I still, of course, maintain a degree of neutrality on the Iraq War issue, but if the American people want us out of there, then the Democrats (who said they would get us out of there) are playing politics as usual. Of course, I realize it's a complicated issue, but since the Democrats went into this election posturing on this issue--they will deserve the criticism and backlash if they fail to make good on their promises.

Take care, and glad to see you back posting!


11:28 AM  

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