Sunday, March 04, 2007

Crazy Coulter

If there's one thing to be said for Ann Coulter, she isn't afraid to wear her bigotry on her sleeve. I'm not sure what's more disturbing; that she thinks it's OK to use the word "faggot" during a public speech or that it was followed by applause from the CPAC audience. Ideally Coulter and her followers would disavow the Republican party for becoming too "liberal" and establish a right wing party similar to Jean-Marie LePen's Front National in France. That way Republicans who agree with her could "come out" and freely air their intolerances.


Blogger Smorgasbord said...

Ann Coulter is just awful. Everything about her is terrible. Normally I have a pretty high B.S. tolerance, but with her I'm forced to say things like "anyone who likes anything about her is a stupid jackass."

Seriously. She does nothing but injure political discourse in this country.

9:09 AM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

She definitely engages her tongue before her mind is in gear. Not a smart thing for a pundit in today's highly charged, politically correct environment.


11:36 AM  

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