Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Irrelevance and Fallacy: My Letter to Michelle Malkin

Let me begin by saying John Kerry is the biggest opportunist ever and I wish he never ran for President.

Let me continue by saying that Michelle Malkin is really unintelligent in every capacity as a "political pundit" and a "writer"- I quote 'political pundit' and 'writer' because the fact is, and I say this with utmost honesty (and arrogance): the fact that she is loaded off the idiocies she spews tells me that someday I should have my face on the one dollar bill. I have never ever ever ever read anything she wrote, or heard an argument she posed that doesnt contain a fallacy. Never. I am not exaggerating. My favorite one ever was her talking to Bill OReilly about Liberals being so racist because she has been called a gook before in response to something she wrote. Yes, all liberals must be racist then.

I frequent and like anywhere you go, you encounter some boneheads and some smart people. Today, I counted at least 8 articles about Kerry's stupid quote. Are you kidding me? Suffice it to say, the people I expected would beat this with a stick are the ones who did. The people who provide meaningful writings haven't. People may argue that this is as horrible as the Foley scandal- which I dont think needed to be covered for over a week and would not swing every election in the country in the Democrats favor (and it didn't)- but no one here committed a perverted act, and no one tried to (allegedly) cover it up. If there is any meaningful article about what Kerry did, here it is.

I read what the folks had to write about Kerry. Presidential candidate, yes, there is reason for it to be covered. But every "conservative" having to write their opinion about it? Don't they get together and say "Hey, how about one or two of us say our piece, and not everyone?" It was mostly a bunch of rambling nothings to me, but nothing that pissed me off. Then I came across Malkin's writing. Now, whenever I have read anything she writes, there are many, how do I say this, retarded arguments- she makes David Limbaugh intelligent. I mean, anything she ever does is like ipecac to me, but this was cholera.

In response to what I equate to a bad political campaign advertisement- her article is titled "The Democrats' military disdain"- I composed a lil letter to Ms. Malkin. I dont even know what she is arguing- she is all over the place and nothing she wrote makes any sense given what her ultimate argument is (see headline):

Wow, John Kerry said that? Because I haven't heard about it anywhere, thanks for writing about it. Our liberal media sure has made no mention of it.

You know, John Kerry is a jerk, but you and everyone else (it seems at least 7-8) of you on Townhall should focus on why we should vote for the Republican party as opposed to why we shouldnt vote for Democrats. I am not going to be voting for Democrats, but you wont find me voting for the Republicans who took their majority standing and completely abused it, failed in their mission and have pretty much handed it back to the Democrats. The Republicans have become as or even more reckless than the Democrats- I can prove it to you if you want me to.

Kerry's statement was stupid, but so are the people who write opinion columns on it as if you people are educating us. Why the hell does it matter what Kerry said? He is not up for election and people act like its going to swing everything back to the GOP. If it does, I'll write you an apology email.

We saw it and read it- yesterday. It was a ridiculous thing to say. Is there really that little to write about that a handful of people on the same website needed to give Kerry's statement any more attention? You could have written about something important instead of this. Then again, maybe you couldn't have... I mean, look at the illogical headline of your article. Kerry, Durbin and Murray did/said ridiculous things. So the Democrats all have disdain for the military? But of course Dick Cheney, Tom Ashcroft, Tom DeLay and George Bush supporting, and chickening out of Vietnam is acceptable I am sure. I mean based on that premise, using your logic, Republicans have disdain for the military too! So I guess both parties share that disdain. Man, we are screwed!

So, you covered a boring, stupid topic about some moron who I cannot wait to not vote for, that really wont change anything (really it wont) and your writing is one enormous fallacy. If you titled it "Kerry's military disdain" or "Some Democrats military disdain" I would have found it acceptable. But like anything I find that you write, it lacks any substance, logic or meaning. Way to go. Take a philosophy class on logic.

Hit me back,

I am such a jerk (this statement was not part of my email).


Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Hi CH!

Right on, Bro!

I also posted about the gaffe:

and also at the Bereans:

For those of you that know me, probably realize what my position is--I defended Kerry. I usually defend those I think are unfairly represented by others, and Kerry is no exception in this case. While I don't particularly agree with everything "Kerry", I do think he deserves the same fair shake we advocate for others--and I think that this is much ado about nothing, and all about character assasination.

I also agree 100% with what you said "You know, John Kerry is a jerk, but you and everyone else (it seems at least 7-8) of you on Townhall should focus on why we should vote for the Republican party as opposed to why we shouldnt vote for Democrats." This is because we now have one party up there offering nothing--only presenting themselves as the "lesser of two evils". Ideas have perished for these two parties and it is, as you said, about why we SHOULDN'T vote for the other party, vs. why we SHOULD vote for yours. Both of these parties are the same rabid dogs fighting over the same mangled bone--and the only one truly suffering is the bone.

Good commentary, CH.


10:10 AM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Oh, but she IS darn cute!


2:20 PM  
Blogger DM said...

Hey Jack, I read both of your comments earlier before I had to head out- I liked them both. I am quick to just react- and then later feel bad about it after I think about it. If possible, apologies are issued. I thought about this and how ridiculous it all has gotten- thanks to our corrupt media. And Michelle Malkin's article aggravated me.

I like how her hair is like, flowing in the wind or something in her picture. Its seductive.

10:54 PM  

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