Thursday, May 11, 2006

My nightmare

So I haven't been blogging much. I have been stuck in this mess with 7-Eleven and my insurance company. Thankfully a local news station has taken up my cause. The government department that deals with gasoline verified my complaint. The gas station closed for a day to clean their tanks but I'm still out $1,200 at the moment. I've attached a photo of the gas/water mixture that the dealership took from my tank. Premium gasoline on the top, rusted water on the bottom.


Blogger Jack Mercer said...


This definitely looks intentional. Sorry this happened!


7:40 AM  
Blogger Smorgasbord said...

Somehow, George Bush is responsible... I just know it! Maybe this will finally be the fuel we need to impeach him?

2:13 PM  
Blogger Anthe said...

That's totally insane. I am sorry for this mess. Hopefully justice will be served. I am glad the news has taken up your cause. Did you contact them, or your lawyer?

8:49 PM  
Blogger mochi said...

I contacted them to expeditie the process of 7-11 sending me a check.

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


My father-in-law does a lot of Real Estate transactions with gas stations and both he and my father work hand frequently with the EPA.

He told me that it's very important that you contact the EPA in addition to everyone else you've already made aware of your issue.

Aparently in 1999 it was mandated that every gas holding tank be replaced with new tanks covered with epoxy to prevent leaks. In addition to this, the tanks must now be contained in a larger water-proof holding tank to prevent a worst-case scenario leakage in to ground water.

I was told that if they were purposefully adding water, that the water in the bottom of that glass jar would be clear.

Because it's rusted, it indicates that it is coming up as ground water through a NON-EPOXY-LINED tank not contained within a water-proof holding tank.

Your fuel must have been at "the end of the barrel" so to speak where water had leaked in. If they had purposefully added it, every other driver would have had the same problem as you.

Bottom line: Your issue is way bigger than you could imagine. The $2000 that they owe you is a just a drop in the bucket considering any other possible negligence and liability involved if the tanks were not replaced in 1999 or if regular maintenence and testing has not been preformed as mandated.


12:25 PM  

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