Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Unsustainable Energy Policy

Politicians can not handle the responsibility of creating a sustainable energy policy. Between Frist’s proposal for a $100 tax rebate and Menendez’s tax holiday, it’s pretty obvious that Senators aren’t serious about correcting a real problem facing the US economy. When it comes to oil, natural gas, electricity and water I’m in full agreement with Chavez and Morales. The natural resources should be controlled by the state for the good of the people. Citizens should not be held ransom by corporations bowing to greedy shareholders. There’s a large difference between healthy competition and the monopolization of the energy sector that is rampant in US. Unless the government can do something to break up the big 5 oil companies the trend will be towards further consolidation and even less of a chance of relief for Americans. Rebate and tax holidays hide an issue that the government should be openly addressing: a shortage of fuel grade ethanol, coupled with price manipulation by large oil companies and OPEC.


Blogger Jack Mercer said...


I couldn't disagree with you more.:) I have lived in nations where gasoline was more "socialized", so to speak, and the price was double or more what we pay. Nations that have adopted what you suggest pay much more as a result of government involvement:

Netherlands (social nirvana): $6.48 gal (the highest in the known world)
Germany: $5.57 gal
Norway: $6.27 gal
Denmark: $5.96 gal

(adjusted for imperial gallons)

We still have no idea what it means to pay what the rest of the world does for a gallon of gas.

I am in no way defending "big" oil, but having lived in nations with government controlled utilities the cost was higher and the service/supply horrible.

Mochi, socialism can work on tiny scales, but with the size this nation is our economy would crash taking the world with it.

Great to see you back and posting!


11:37 PM  
Blogger mochi said...

You know that Holland has a conservative government right?

6:59 AM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Hmm...conservative in what sense, Mochi!

Oh, btw, you're right, the Republican rebate deal is a crock! (Just more pandering)

(Did you know that the government makes twice the profit on oil revenues than the oil company does and does nothing to earn it?)


5:36 PM  
Blogger Anthe said...

I just found out that the oil companies don't pay taxes on their profits! Imagine what we (the people/government) could do with those revenues!

3:37 PM  

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