Monday, April 03, 2006

A Realistic Plan from a Real Leader

If you're like me, you despise the job our president has done. On almost every conceivable leadership metric, I'd give him an F. During the last Democratic National Convention I had an opportunity to see Barack Obama speak. It was an outstanding speech that gave me a glimmer of hope for our political landscape.

Here's a transcript of remarks he made recently in Chicago. The words describe a realistic plan for reducing our fossil fuel dependency, as well as illustrate what an incompetent our shameful president is (of course, Obama doesn't subscribe to the type of name-calling I do). I hope Mr. Obama continues to grow in the right direction, and his influence is felt across the nation. It's true leaders like this that have a chance of turing our country around.


Blogger SheaNC said...

More leaders like Obama would be a vast improvement. The Bush regime has done their best to wreck the world in more ways than one. It'll take a at least a few presidential terms to clean up the mess. Leadership with motives other than self would be a great start.

1:04 AM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Hi Smorg,

Democrats will need to adopt a message of hope and progress rather than the current tone of doom and reaction in order for their message to resonate with Americans. In the last election there was a bumper sticker that was the sum total of the Democrat message: "Anyone but Bush". We have a jaded society and they are tired of empty promises from empty politicians--that is the reason incumbency is so hard to overthrow.

Since he has been in office Obama has fallen prey to his own party's rhetoric and made some serious blunders (ie. playing the race card, etc.) He may recover, and may move forward, but the it may be that the only way he will be able to do that is to abandon the current Democrat(ic) platform.

We'll keep an eye on 'em.


3:01 PM  
Blogger Writing Left said...

Saw a blog recently endorsing Chuck Hagel (R-NE) for president, which I don't support; however, it made a good point:

"Though they are frontrunners for their respective parties' nominations, I have a hard time believing that either John McCain or Hillary Clinton is going to be elected President of the United States. It has nothing to do with their respective ideologies or their positions on the issues, but rather with that intangible something that makes voters comfortable enough with a man or woman to entrust them with the most powerful office in the world..."

Obama has this intangible. I was not at the convention when he spoke, but I watched it on TV, and I was moved by his words. I was recently thinking that the Dem Party needs him to run for office and to inspire the left to become involved again.

There was a documentary that was up for an Academy Award, "Street Fight," about the political campaign for mayor in Newark, NJ in 2002. It became a documentary on a man named Cory Booker. He is another politician that is as charismatic as Obama. I hope that he will run for national office in the near future as well.

8:30 PM  

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