Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter

You say you're the son of God, so let's see the DNA test.

From The Age March 26, 2005 - Leunig


Blogger DM said...

CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) -"President Bush broke his public silence on Saturday about the deadliest U.S. school shooting in six years, touting the government's response "at this tragic time" after some American Indian leaders complained he paid little attention to the rampage.
Bush's delayed public reaction to the shooting stood in contrast to his swift and high-profile intervention earlier this week to try to prolong the life of Terri Schiavo, a brain-damaged woman in Florida whose feeding tube was removed."

Vacations in Crawford: excessive and overused - who the hell employs this guy again?
Terry Schiavo: good moral dilemma to divert America from what is going on in the first place, because those situations would probably cause W's approvals to plummet further.
W "touting" governments response: does this guy really follow what is going on in this country today? What about the government's actions was exactly "toutable?" Do they get the real news in Crawford?

I hereby hyopthesize the "W effect." It seems whatever this clown says and does, the opposite happens. These include, but sure as friggin hell are not limited to:
1. restoring honor and dignity to the White House (2000 campaign). America is still waiting...
2. compassionate conservatism - enacting an otherwise transparent and racist homeland defense act, imperialism, and a homeland the most divided since Vietnam.
3. Social Security - the more he speaks about it, the less the public has bought it.
4. Terry Schiavo - Congress steps in, Bush at the opportunity for a political moment, puts down his rifle, hits his peacepipe and screws to DC. Not so long later, Terry's case is all but over.
5. Liberating a "tortured and oppressed people" and spreading freedom: a region in turmoil, ridiculously low world-wide approval ratings of this administration and internal unrest of his own to deal with. If you cant run your own country, what makes you think your administration can take over the most "unstable" part of the world? Just when are you going to start uniting and not dividing? The Spring holiday season isnt a bad time to start....


9:03 AM  
Blogger SheaNC said...

Since Bush is the Anti-Christ, it's appropriate that his deeds are opposite his words.

12:42 PM  
Blogger DM said...

Mochi, if I may offer an interpretation of this cartoon that extends beyond theology/religion/sprituality. I visualize this same cartoon with Bush, instead of Christ, appearing before the Creator and Him questioning Bush, "again, show me how and why 9/11 developed," or, "again, would you please attempt to state in a logical construction your grounds for starting what is steadily amounting to World War III?" And what would be my personal favorite confrontation between God and Bush: "My son, I could not help but notice you saying something about a conversation you had with Me; remind me when exactly I told you to invade this oppressed country?" This cartoon is a startling reminder of how reluctant the people are to question authority, and most importantly, question the now-infallible policies that really have no logical foundation. With each passing day, more about this age of bullshit, better known as the Bush administration, is being revealed. I feel sorry for all the people of America, as there are millions of good-natured Republicans, Independents, and surely some Democrats, who devote themselves to this chickenhawk administration's causes for no other reason than party/country loyalty. Our's has become an age of myopic inability to question and reason.

6:52 PM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

This comment string is "much too deep" for me to step into. Ha!


7:44 PM  
Blogger mochi said...

The issue isn't that we suffer from intellectual myopia. That's an innate characteristic we all share. The problem is that the government has decided the rest of the world needs to share Bush's myopic view. Historically that has lead to a few problems...

7:50 PM  
Blogger DM said...

That, and a little more than half the country buying into this view. And true, I should not place blame on people's intellect. Why wouldn't you want to believe in your government? Why shouldn't you trust it? There is, after all, an inherent faith and trust in one's own government and country I would imagine. As a result of this trust, people do not see the potential disaster when a Wolfowitz doctrine, or something along those fascist lines, is not only given credibility, but acted out. Someday it will really come back to bite us in the ass.

9:51 PM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Two kinds of people in this world, CH, leaders and followers. The leaders make the rules, the followers...well, follow them. The problem is that 200 years ago our fore fathers gave us a document that limited that structure, that took the power from the leaders and returned the power to the followers.

200 years later, sad to say, the leaders increasingly ignored that document or manipulated it, and the followers have been all too willing to allow them.

Socialism, Communism...those constructs willingly give to the powerful the control over the many--for their own collective good.

We are headed in the direction we've allowed ourselves to go. Why complain? Like you said, we have supported the leaders every step of the way...

2:43 PM  
Blogger Jack Mercer said...

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2:43 PM  
Blogger DM said...

I agree Jack. The last paragraph you wrote does hit the nail on the head in many respects. One thing I have to remind myself not to lose sight of, is that the actions of few do not necessarily reflect what America really is about. And we did bring it upon ourselves. We vote for these people after all.

8:18 PM  

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