Thursday, March 17, 2005

Guess I wasn't dreaming...

I hoped that over the course of today I would come to the realization that Bush hadn't nominated Wolfowitz to head the IMF and it was all just a horrible dream. It would have made more since to nominate the CEO of McDonalds as the Security of Health than to put a crusading war hawk in charge of the IMF. What is Bush thinking? Last month he's in Europe telling them all that his main focus will be rebuilding relationships with allies. It was going to be a lot of "hard work". He must have decided it would be too hard, between Bolton and Wolfowitz the actions are speaking much louder than the words.

It's unlikely the Europeans will put up much of a fight, the real losers will be developing nations.

Let's hope that the faith based charity initiative isn't extended globally. Non-Christians don't tend to do too well out of that scheme. Republicans may respect Wolfowitz's directness and ability to argue, but how often is he right? Wasn't it Wolfowitz that claimed Iraqi's would greet US soldiers as "liberators"? Even more perplexing is how someone with no relevant experience can head an organization like the IMF.

The next few weeks will be an interesting lesson in the subtleties of global democracy. European reaction is very negative, hopefully this negativity results in a veto.


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