Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Ann Coulter is insane

It's official, Ann Coulter's last column clearly illustrates that she is indeed mentally unstable. That means she is ready for a position in Bush's cabinet. Secretary of Defense comes to mind...

As much as I hate directing people to Coulter's site it really is worth reading her latest comments on the Jeff Gannon affair. This is probably her most intellectually challenged comment: "Press passes can't be that hard to come by if the White House allows that old Arab Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the president. Still, it would be suspicious if Dowd were denied a press pass while someone from Talon News got one, even if he is a better reporter."

I think we can all get over the she's a RILF thing and come to the realization she has nothing of value to offer society. Ann Coulter is a racist, a moron and a proud Republican.


Blogger SheaNC said...

Sometimes I wonder if Coulter and her comrades make ridiculous statements simply to provoke a response; to achieve notoriety. As some bloggers do, they may simply make inflammatory statements to increase their "traffic."

As far as the RILF thing goes, I for one never saw her as attractive. Janeane's more my type :)

9:58 PM  

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