Monday, February 14, 2005

Sistani's Top Ten

Now liberty, freedom and democracy had prevailed and the Shiites have taken power in Iraq here are 10 policies Sistani may want to implement:

1) Deny woman the right to vote.
2) Follow the Saudi lead and instigate a partially democratic electoral process in which 49% of representatives are elected and 51% are appointed by the reigning cleric.
3) Support public executions,
4) Allow Shiites to keep 3 Bathists as slaves.
5) Accept billions of dollars in aid from the United States.
6) Funnel billions of dollars in aid to Iran.
7) Persecute through imprisonment any political or religious dissenters. This includes anyone in the aforementioned 49% who is not a member of the Shiite ruling party.
8) Ban Kurds and Sunnis from ever taking power in Iraq until every Shiite has received their 72 virgins.
9) Using Afghanistan's economic model plant poppies to supplement oil production.
10) Make Allawi disappear.

Fortunately the election outcome indicates Shiites will have to partner with secular parties to form a ruling majority government, so none of this likely. Hopefully Allawi can galvanise enough support to make a run for prime minister. Allawi is one person who can keep the US dream alive.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having a democratically elected theocracy is a scenario Americans hope will not occur.

- nice blog man

8:20 PM  
Blogger SheaNC said...

Having a theocracy through republican election fraud is a scenario Americans have finally accepted.

11:29 PM  

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