Monday, February 21, 2005

Mr not so perfect

The new Bush tapes should serve as a wake up call for the evangelicals. We all knew Bush had a tough past and hearing him admit to marijuana use isn't a surprise. After all he was into alcohol and cocaine as well. What evangelicals should be concerned about is the fabricated agenda.

Many people put social and financial issues aside when they voted for Bush based on their religious ideals. They thought he would support them through the impending values war and protect them against evil gay couples wanting to corrupt their children and destroy their lives. They also thought he would appoint justices that would overturn Row v Wade.

Think again. With Orrin Hatch heading the judiciary committee it is unlikely any right wing judge, with an anti-abortion agenda, will be appointed to the bench. Many people in this country don't realize how rarely the Supreme Court reverses decisions, especially decisions of such magnitude.

These tapes reveal Bush's reluctance to pursue a gay marriage amendment. I am glad he is intelligent enough to understand the hypocrisy of such a push. It never seemed likely considering the lack of appetite for any constitutional change in Congress. With social security reform being on the front burner I would be surprised if the gay marriage issue is even discussed.

One day evangelicals will realize the whole election was designed to scare them into voting Republican. Instead of addressing their issues Republicans will now implement policies that will corrode their social services, send them to war, bankrupt their retirement and deny their children adequate education.


Blogger SheaNC said...

I think that releasing secretly taped conversations should be considered an invasion of privacy by liberals. However, any conservatives who condemn liberals' mention of the tapes can always point out that Wead was an aid to Bush sr... he was one of their own, exercising those republican moral values :)

Having said that, I think there has been so much evidence of Bush's deviation from christian priciples that it is truly amazing that the evangelicals can still support him. Are they so easily swayed by someone who merely claims to be christian?

1:28 PM  

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