Saturday, October 08, 2005

More liberal whining

Reading over my posts over the past few weeks I can't help but feel I've become overwhelmed by the cynicism that consumes many liberally inclined Americans. I live in a depressing time. The citizens who claim the moral and intellectual high ground have shown that after all they are in fact human and fallible. Despite the conservative agenda aimed at raising society's moral compass, I can not help but feel they have lead us further into a pit from which we may never emerge. When I'm confronted with a supporter of the war in Iraq, a man who doesn't believe in a woman's right to choose, a Christian who believes evolution should be taught in a science classroom, a judge who believes in the rights of corporations over people, I no longer have the energy for debate. These contentions contradict my sense of morality. If there is a God, and that God has any sense of decency, He would not support a conservative agenda that promotes the lifestyle of one group of individuals to the detriment of another. Would God support the government response to Katrina, would God support the establishment of a theocracy in Iraq that will eradicate women's right, would God support an increase in poverty and decrease in health care for lower income Americans? If He's compassionate and driving the conservative agenda then hasn't something been lost in translation?

We are now faced with another 3 years of what will be judged as the most inept and destructive leadership in Amercican history. Whatever happens, whether it's a flu pandemic, the war in Iraq, a new war, another terrorist attack or a housing market crash; I have no faith in the current leadership to do anything but exacerbate the crisis. They are an administration of Mike Brown's supported by a congress of at least eighty Mike Brown's, and if she's confirmed another Mike Brown on the supreme court. Whether the flavor is Democrat or Republican there is currently an abundance of political hubris. Faith and religion are important to billions of people worldwide but, as the founding favors clearly understood, religion should not be mixed with government and policy. I would challenge any Christian conservative to pull the evangelical mask from the Republican party and show me the moral values that a majority of voting Americans are seeking. I'd challenge them to find those values in themselves.


Blogger SheaNC said...

So true. They campaign on the strength of their perceived moral virtues year after year, yet they repeatedly demonstrate that they are bereft of moral virtue. They are only in power for power's sake; to enrich and empower themselves, and they could not care less for the people of this country or any other, except insomuch as it serves their ends. Quite frankly, anyone who supports them is a dupe. They've been conned, plain and simple.

However, the republicans' focus on obtaining and maintaining absolute power gives them the edge they need to succeed in elections. They want absolute control over everyone's lives, thoughts, and actions, and they'll stop at nothing. Progressives and others who care about peoples' wants and needs, their values and concerns, are plowed under by single-minded, win-at-any-cost power mongers who win support by pandering to fear and hatred, a tried-and-true technique. So it has always been, and so, probably, shall it always be. Yes, it is depressing.

1:24 AM  
Blogger joe said...

I could not have said it better.

11:28 AM  

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