Friday, November 19, 2004

Advertising Bigotry

Driving to work this morning I came across a middle aged woman in a 10 year old, white Toyota Corolla; white probably being her favorite color. Attached to her rear windshield were three handwritten signs in large print on letter sized paper. The first read “Bush loves families”, the second “Democrats – communists in disguise”, the third “homos need not apply”. Now say for arguments sake this woman’s name is Joy, she looked like a Joy. Does Joy drive into work each day and her colleagues say: “Hey look at that whacky Joy, I wonder who she hates today?” I just can't fathom what cocoon this woman lives in to think it’s OK to advertise hate.

The irony of Joy is that on her bumper she had a sticker that read “God loves all people”. I guess there wasn’t enough space for the exceptions.


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